Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Happy 18th! (already??)

Yes, 4 weeks to go and about 100 things still to do!

The weather isn't something I've thought about much in our planning process, I thought we'd be guaranteed a beautiful blue sky just like our two visits up north have been. Alas this week I've started to hear that things are expected to be a bit chillier than normal in QLD this winter. So as anyone would expect I had a mini-melt down and looked up the Elders  28 day rainfall forecast, but that wasn't very helpful as it only goes as far north as Brisbane

The BOM outlook

 And of course current conditions in Port Douglas itself...

Finally, a quick check of the trusty webcam at Zinc restaurant confirmed that there's been no rain today!

My make up artist explained that their wet season was a bit later than normal this year so April was a lot wetter than normal, but she said the weather was beautiful and blue where she was standing so not to worry too much - just concentrate on things we can control. A good reminder is that during our last June visit, the locals were wearing ski jackets when we were in shorts and tees; so the meaning of 'cold' is different to everyone. I'm sure I'll be happy with anything warmer than a Melbourne winter, but that won't stop me from including the weekly forecast in here during this last month anyway.

I just saw some beautiful pictures of Lure at night time and I can't wait to be dancing on that very dance floor - and looking out over that very marina!

This Saturday is another big exciting day for me! Mum and I are going to see Kimberley my hairdresser for a hair trial and then back to mum's to try on my beautiful dress - must remember to practice some dance steps, turns and dips with the bustle and the wrist loop - just to ensure that everything will still be left to the imagination on the night!

In the afternoon Mum is going to help me with a few last projects and decisions and then we'll be playing email ping-pong with our suppliers for the next few weeks. Oh - we have to buy a suitcase too!

So just like Matt warned me, 'don't you ever dare to wish your time away'

PS: Can you get addicted to webcam?

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